Do you shop online? Do it through easyfundraising.org.uk and raise a FREE donation for Exe Hockey Club every time you shop!
Fundraising is essential to help us with operational expenses as well as to help finance special events and activities at Exe Hockey Club.
You can help by asking all your friends and family to support Exe Hockey Club when making online purchases - simply by registering through the Exe Hockey Club page on the above link. Over 3000 companies support Easyfundraising: Amazon, Argos, Asda, Argos,Aviva, Ebay, JustEat, Latebooking, Sainsburys Thomson, TrainLine, Travelodge, Viking, Vodafone ......there is an endless list and something for everyone - just visit the easyfundraising page to see how simple it all is. Purchase from these companies via the easyfundraising pages and the company gives a percentage of the transaction to Exe HC. With just a handful of members using the site we have raised over £300 - with more support we can hit our annual fund-raising target quicker.
Do you know any local businesses who make stationery purchases online or book trains, hire cars or hotel rooms....then they could support us too by registering through Easyfundraising. Could your employer help? Why not have a chat with your boss today!